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Mon, Jul 8 2024

21Globe - July 2018

Trump’s claim that NATO will boost defense spending disputed

BRUSSELS (AP) — In a chaotic 28 hours at NATO, President Donald Trump disparaged longtime allies, cast doubt on his commitment to the mutual-defense organization and sent the 29-member pact into frenzied emergency session. Then, in a head-snapping pivot at the end, on Thursday he declared the alliance a “fine-tuned machine” that had acceded to his demands to speed up increases in military spending.


China vows retaliation for $200 billion US tariff threat

BEIJING (AP) — China’s government vowed Wednesday to take “firm and forceful measures” as the U.S. threatened to expand tariffs to thousands of Chinese imports like fish sticks, apples and French doors, the latest salvo in an escalating trade dispute that threatens to chill global economic growth.

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