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Mon, Jul 1 2024

21Globe - July 2018

Legal implications on Trump or Cohen unclear on secret tape

WASHINGTON (AP) — A secret recording of Donald Trump discussing payments to a Playboy model has brought renewed attention to the question of whether — and how — he might have tried to block politically damaging stories ahead of the 2016 presidential election. But it’s not clear that the tape, on its own, creates additional legal problems for the president.


Einstein’s theory of relativity passes yet another test

NEW YORK (AP) — More than a century after Albert Einstein proposed it, his theory of general relativity has passed another test. With giant telescopes pointed at the center of our galaxy, a team of European researchers observed a fast-moving star that got close to a monstrous black hole. They saw that the black hole distorted the light waves from the star in a way that agrees with Einstein’s theory.

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