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Mon, Jul 8 2024

21Globe - May 2018

Most walkable cities in America

  • Published in Travel

MSN - In much of America, it’s practically impossible to get around without a car. People must drive to school or work, to run errands, or to visit friends, as either all these destinations are too far away or the roads do not have safe sidewalks.


Military heroes from every state

MSN - Military heroes come in many guises. Some are better with a gun, while others bandage wounds as bullets whiz overhead. Stories of heroism come from the battlefield, training grounds, and natural disasters. Consider that bridge you cross every day, but never have stopped to think about its namesake—it could be dedicated to a local hero you never knew.


Trump Tells North Korea, Denuclearize to Get 'Protections' Read Newsmax: Trump to North Korea: Denuclearize to Get 'Protections' | Urgent: Do you approve of Pres. Trump? Vote Here in Poll

NewsMax - President Donald Trump laid out a stark choice for North Korea's Kim Jong Un ahead of their planned summit next month: abandon nuclear weapons and be rewarded with "protections," or risk being overthrown and possible death if the arsenal remains.

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