You can start working remotely right now. There are just a few steps to take and you can virtually be at your desk in your office. All you need are a few tools to get you ready. As the need for safety and security rise across the globe, this is the time employers and employees can take advantage of our virtual computer services to help in securing your remote work environment as well as assist with cost savings efficiencies while minimizing potential business obstacles.
To achieve a remote session there are several important decisions to consider.
- How many users are going to need remote access?
- Does the product have the necessary security to keep your data safe?
- Do you need to use public Wi-Fi when working virtually.
- For extra security will you need to provide VPN’s for users that work with critically sensitive data
- How many users are going to need remote access?
- Does the product have the necessary security to keep your data safe?
- Do you need to use public Wi-Fi when working virtually?
- For extra security will you need to provide VPN’s for usres that work with critically sensitive data?
21 Globe can help you make the decision based on your needs. We have multinational companies as well as small 2 person stores and they all receive enterprise service.
Connect with us today to get started…